You can adjust the breath, knowing which feels liberating as the breath energies are found to be strange but intriguing

"To begin with, it’s distinctive that [Ajaan Lee] taught that we can play with the breath, to try different kinds of breathing as a way of providing the mind a good place to settle down. Before I had encountered his teachings, I had always been told that you don’t adjust the breath. Just leave it as it is and then don’t do anything to it at all. I found it very boring and had difficulty staying with the breath as a result. Then when I encountered his teaching that you could adjust the breath, it felt liberating — especially when it relates to the second point, which is that we’re not just watching the in-and-out breath, but we’re also looking at the breath energies in the body. At first, I found the concept of breath energies strange but intriguing."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Ajaan Lee's Teachings"


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