Focus on the parts of the body that you can make comfortable by the way you breathe.

"So when we breathe, we try to breathe in a comfortable way. We think of the breath not as the air coming in out of the lungs, but as the energy flow that goes through the body. You can ask yourself: Where does the energy flow seem to be good right now? Don’t focus on any area where there’s a pain. Focus on the parts that you can make comfortable by the way you breathe. You can try long breathing, short breathing, fast, slow, heavy light, or any combination of those. See what feels best and stay in the comfortable spots.

It’s like eating an apple. As you eat the apple, you discover there’s a worm in it. You don’t eat the wormy part, you cut that out. The rest of the apple is still good, so you focus on the part you *can* eat. Here you’re focusing on the parts of the body that you can make comfortable by the way you breathe."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Endurance with a Purpose"


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