Get here inside the body. Think of yourself as wearing the breath. The breath is all around you; you’re centered here inside.

"Do your best to get interested in the breath. Because here it is, this element in the body. It keeps you alive. It’s the meeting place between the mind and the body. Of the different elements in the body, it’s the most responsive to the mind, and it’s the one that can be used to affect the other elements in the body, too. It’s also the closest to the mind. Without the breath, body and mind would go their separate ways, so it only stands to reason that if you can get the breath energies flowing well in the body, it’s going to be good for the body and for the mind.

It’s healing for the nerves of the various organs. Think about how much you use your eyes especially, now in this age of screens, taking in all kinds of harmful information — things that are designed to give rise to greed, aversion, and delusion. Those nerves need to be rested. They need to be soothed. So here you have the chance to close your eyes, soothe those nerves, soothe all the different organs in the body. Think of the breath as a gentle massage for the different parts of the body.

In other words, get here inside the body. Think of yourself as wearing the breath. The breath is all around you; you’re centered here inside.

Our problem is that we keep sending the mind out. You look at an object and the mind is out at the object; you listen to something, your mind is out at the object you’re listening to. Here, we’re trying to bring everything back inside to where it belongs, where it can gather its strength, where it can gather its sense of well-being and learn how to observe itself out of that well-being."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "The Right Time at the Right Place"


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