Learn to savor the breath. What kind of breathing would the body like to do, that would feel good for the body to do right now?

"So we try to give the mind something better to feed on: a sense of well-being inside, the sense of well-being that comes as you learn to adjust the breath, settle down into the breath, make friends with the breath, learn to savor the breath the same way you would good food or good music. What does this flow of energy feel like as it comes through the body? What kind of flow would the body like to feel right now? Do you know? Can you tell? Most of us live within the body for how many years, and we don’t know what kind of breathing the body would like to do, what would feel good for the body to do right now. So take some time to explore, to get acquainted with it. As you develop this inner sense of well-being and stability, you find that the mind would much rather feed here than outside."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "New Feeding Habits for the Mind"


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