You really do have the freedom to breathe in many different ways, you know. Take advantage of that freedom, take advantage of that potential for adjusting your experience of the present moment.

"You really do have the freedom to breathe in many different ways, you know. Take advantage of that freedom, take advantage of that potential for adjusting your experience of the present moment. Choose to breathe in more comfortable ways. It’s amazing how much a simple change in the way you breathe can put a whole new cast on things. So we work with this. We work with this object that’s right in front of us. It’s our basic exercise in beginning to answer that question about skill and lack of skill. As you work with the breath, you begin to get more sensitive to the mind as well. You begin to see which qualities of the mind are helpful in breathing skillfully and which are not."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Questions in the Practice"


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