The meditation is not something imposed from outside. It’s something that develops from your own inner sensitivity.

"Start from your immediate experience and branch out from there. That’s the way Ajaan Fuang used to teach meditation. He’d have people get in touch with their breath. He’d use a few analogies and similes, and then he’d listen to the words they used to describe their own experience of meditation, when the breath felt “sticky,” when it felt “solid” or “dense,” when it felt “full.” And then he’d use their vocabulary to teach them further. For instance, one of his students would talk about the “delicious breath,” so Ajaan Fuang would start his instructions to that student by saying, “Get in touch with the delicious breath.” In this way, the meditation is not something imposed from outside. It’s something that develops from your own inner sensitivity."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "A Private Matter" (Meditations4)


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