Be mindful to keep the breath in mind, and being alert, watching the breath. Try to find out what would happen if you were to make the next breath a little bit longer, shorter, deeper, stronger or more refined.

"So right now focus your desire on what will take you to concentration. This means being mindful to keep the breath in mind, and being alert, watching the breath. A good way to do that is to ask yourself questions about the breath and how you can relate to it here in the present moment. If you were to make the next breath a little bit longer, what would happen? Try it and find out. How about a little bit shorter, deeper, stronger, more refined? Just ask those questions of the mind. Don’t put a lot of physical pressure on the breath. Just ask the question and you’ll find that simply asking the question opens up the possibility."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "The Path of Questions" (Meditations1)


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