So learn to be a good friend with the breath, and the breath will become your friend as well. When you’re not desperate for friends, you find you get better ones, more reliable ones — because you’ve become more reliable as well.

"So learn to be a good friend with the breath, and the breath will become your friend as well. And as Ajaan Lee said, you won’t be lonely. Everywhere you go, you have friends going along with you. All the parts of the body become your friends because you’re on more intimate terms with them through the breath energy. You understand them better. You’re better at creating a sense of ease and well-being in the body. When you’ve got this stable center, then the issue friends outside becomes less desperate. And when you’re not desperate for friends, you find you get better ones, more reliable ones — because you’ve become more reliable as well.

So it’s important that you take some time to develop this skill. Do what you can to become interested in the breath and you’ll find that it pays you back many times over."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Friendship"


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