Check and see what kind of breathing is going to make it easiest for the mind to settle down in a state of mindful alertness and want to stay there. Take advantage of the fact that the breath can make the body comfortable.

"One of the most important principles in meditating on the breath is learning how to experiment with it. Try different kinds of breathing to see which rhythm, which texture of breathing feels best for the body right now, and which is also best for the mind. Some ways of breathing can put you to sleep, other ways of breathing get you irritated, so you want to check and see what kind of breathing is going to make it easiest for the mind to settle down in a state of mindful alertness and want to stay there. If the body is uncomfortable because of the way you breathe, you’re not taking advantage of the fact that the breath can make it comfortable."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Experimental Intelligence" (Meditations4)


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