People who have that kind of glow from an inner happiness — you pick up some of that glow just being around them. So you create a better environment for the people in your family, the people at work as you’re cultivating good things inside.

"If you understand that happiness comes from within — from developing your own inner resources, things as simple as the breath — that puts in you in a very different position with regard to the people around you. Your happiness doesn’t have to conflict with theirs. In fact, your happiness can actually help theirs. If you know how to find true happiness inside — how cultivate your breath, how to cultivate your thoughts in the proper way — then you can be a good example to them. And you can actually share your knowledge with them at the appropriate times.

You’ve probably noticed: People who have that kind of glow from an inner happiness — you pick up some of that glow just being around them. So you create a better environment for the people in your family, the people at work as you’re cultivating good things inside."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Understanding Happiness"


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