Do you feel comfortable in your own skin? Comfortable inside your body? If not, can you at least create a beachhead, some one spot in the body that’s your spot?

"Then you can focus on the breath. Here, again, it’s not just awareness of the breath. There are also your perceptions, your visualizations. How do you visualize the breath to yourself? How do you visualize your relationship to your body? Do you feel comfortable in your own skin? Comfortable inside your body? If not, can you at least create a beachhead, some one spot in the body that’s your spot? Tend to it carefully. Look after it. Treat it well. Eventually a sense of belonging here will grow. The breath will begin to expand out through the body, and there will be a sense of everything breathing together. It feels really good to be here."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Accepting the Way Things Function"


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