If you can find a good solid happiness inside, that means you don't have irritation or frustration in your search for happiness to take out on other people. Your thoughts and words and deeds come from a sense of well-being inside.

"So learning how to create this sense of well-being [with your breath] is not a selfish pursuit of happiness. Some people think that Buddhism is narrow and selfish, with each Buddhist looking out only for himself, but that’s not the case. If you can find a good solid happiness inside, that means you’re not irritated or frustrated in your search for happiness. People who are irritated and frustrated tend to take that irritation and frustration out on other people. Here you have happiness inside, so you take that “out on” other people, but a better way to put it would be that you take it out and offer it to other people too. Your thoughts and words and deeds come from a sense of well-being inside. And those are not afflictive, either to you or to others."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "A Heart & Mind of Goodwill"


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