All your activities get brought into the breath. The breath becomes the foundation that underlies them all — the solid floor on which you stand so can you can juggle your activities with skill.

"So try to be sensitive to what’s going on here in the body, going on in here in the breath. It may require work, it may be a job that you’re not used to, but as you get more and more used to it, it becomes more and more second-nature. Then you find that it really is a helper, it really is an assistant in whatever other work you’ve got to do. In other words, when you’re driving the car, you’re standing in the breath driving the car. When talking to other people, you’re staying in the breath talking to other people. All your activities get brought into the breath in this way. The breath becomes the foundation that underlies them all — the solid floor on which you stand so can you can juggle your activities with skill. And with a continuous foundation like this, your life isn’t chopped up into little bits: a little time for this, a little for that. It all becomes time to be with the breath, and then to work from the breath on whatever else you need to do in the course of the day."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Breathing through Daily Life" (Meditations2)


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