It’s better to be kind to yourself simply by the way you breathe. As you start feeling a greater sense of well-being, it’s a lot easier to be kind to other people.

"It’s better to be kind to yourself simply by the way you breathe. Learn how to take advantage of this free resource you’ve got, because otherwise it goes unused. And it’s a renewable resource. It’s not the case that the more you use it, the more you train it, the more you use it up. Actually the better you train it, the better it gets.

As you start feeling a greater sense of well-being, it’s a lot easier to be kind to other people. It’s a goodwill that comes out of a goodwill [mettā] for yourself and naturally overflows without your having to worry about who you’re kind to and what your motivation is. If there’s not this internal sense of well-being, there’s going to be a sense of calculation, “Well, if I help these people, they’ll help me, or at least they’ll respect me as a good person.” All kinds of issues of self-image and expectations start getting mixed up in all this. But if there’s simply a sense of well-being in the present moment, it just flows out naturally."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "How to Save the World"


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