You’ve got it all right here: everything you need for peace of mind, a sense of well-being and ease, the satisfaction that comes with a sense of physical and mental fullness or rapture. You can find it all with the breath.

"These different levels of jhana are a home for the mind in which you settle down with the breath and a sense of ease and well-being. Then as you stay with this longer and longer, you begin to realize that you’ve got it all right here: everything you need for peace of mind, a sense of well-being and ease, the satisfaction that comes with a sense of physical and mental fullness or rapture. You can find it all with the breath. It’s simply a matter of sticking with it and developing a sensitivity to what kind of breathing really does feel good right now. In other words, you’ve got all the raw materials for happiness right here. You don’t have to go traveling around anywhere else. Just pay attention to what you’ve got. The mind has a habit of fabricating things, so have it fabricate right concentration.

You’ve got the breath, which is bodily fabrication. You’ve got directed thought and evaluation, which are verbal fabrication. And you’ve got feelings and labels or perceptions, which are mental fabrications. So instead of fabricating worlds outside, thought worlds that can go who-knows-where, you fix up what you’ve got here."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "At Home in Jhana"


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