When the mind and the body have been nourished with a comfortable breath, you’re in a much better mood, much more open to admitting the truth. Insights come not in a threatening way, but with a certain sense of relief.

"When the mind has been nourished with a comfortable breath, the body has been nourished with a comfortable breath, you’re in a much better mood, much more open to admitting the truth. It doesn’t feel so threatening, because you realize at the same time that you’re developing the mental qualities you need not to give into to greed, anger, and delusion again. So the insights come not in a threatening way, but with a certain sense of relief. You’ve gotten past something, you’ve outgrown a dishonest way of behaving. You don’t have to cause yourself that kind of suffering anymore. When you’re not causing yourself that kind of suffering, you’re not causing other people that kind of suffering either."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Sowing Good Seeds"


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