Make the breath comfortable, so that there’s an immediately felt sense of ease, a sense of well-being that comes just by sitting here breathing. It feels good to breathe in, feels good to breathe out.

"The more steadily and consistently you can stay with the breath, then the more you see in terms of all the subtle politics going on in the mind: the part of the mind that wants to be heedful and the parts of the mind that don’t. There are many different voices in there, after all, many different sides to any question, not just two. So, when you settle down to be with the breath, be prepared: Lots of other voices will be pulling in different directions. And it’s normal. Don’t get discouraged. Try to strengthen the good voices by making the breath comfortable, so that there’s an immediately felt sense of ease, a sense of well-being that comes just by sitting here breathing. It feels good to breathe in, feels good to breathe out."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Factions in the Mind" (Meditations4)


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