The best place to be aware of what you're doing is right here at the breath, because the breath is where the body and the mind meet. If the mind is going to have an influence on the body, it’s going to be through the breath and vice-versa..

"So try to be aware of what you’re doing. And the best place to be aware of that is right here at the breath, because the breath is where the body and the mind meet. If the mind is going to have an influence on the body, it’s going to be through the breath. If the body’s going to have an influence on the mind, it’s through the breath. So here you get to see the traffic going back and forth. What’s coming out of the mind? Is it being alert? Is it being wise? Or is it just being its ordinary old self? You can train it, you know. This is why we’re here meditating: to train the mind, realizing that the big issue in life is what the mind does."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Straighten Things Out Inside"


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