You’ll begin to realize that there’s a lot right here in the breath that you haven’t been taking advantage of. Your sense of well-being here makes it a lot easier for you to act in skillful ways.

"You’ll begin to realize that there’s a lot right here in the breath that you haven’t been taking advantage of. Going out, looking for pleasure outside, is like someone who has a really good piece of land but tries to plant crops in somebody else’s land: There are bound to be problems. Turn around and look at your own piece of land right here. Take care of that. See what you can grow right here. And you’ll find not only that you will get a great sense of well-being, but it also begins to spill out for other people as well through your thoughts, words, deeds. Your sense of well-being here makes it a lot easier for you to act in skillful ways. You’re not so hungry for things that are going to cause trouble."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Practicing from Gratitude"


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