Someone raised the question, “What is this business about spreading breath energies throughout the body? The Buddha never said anything about breath energies.” Well, there are a lot of things the Buddha didn’t say about the practice.
"Someone raised the question, “What is this business about spreading
breath energies throughout the body? The Buddha never said anything
about breath energies.” Well, there are a lot of things the Buddha
didn’t say about the practice. He sketched out the main outlines. It’s
for us to fill in the details. For instance, there’s that passage where
he says that when you get the mind to settle down with a sense of
pleasure and rapture and fullness around your object, you should spread
that well-being through the body. But he doesn’t say how. This is where
Ajaan Lee’s teachings on spreading the breath energy are really useful.
They give you some ideas to explore for how you could use the breath
energy to spread the pleasure and rapture around so that you can have
body, feelings of pleasure, and mind all together right here."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Significance"
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