You can float and be buoyant, but stay in place. There’s a sense of lightness and buoyancy, so keep that sense of lightness, but stay where you are.
"Breathe in such a way that there’s no holding on, so that things are
allowed to flow smoothly. The breath flows smoothly, the blood flows
smoothly, and there’s a sense of ease all the way through the breathing
Some people at this point begin to get a sense of
floating, but try not to drift out. You can float and be buoyant, but
stay in place. There’s a sense of lightness and buoyancy, so keep that
sense of lightness, but stay where you are. You’ve learned to breathe in
such a way that the whole body feels at ease throughout the in-breath
and out-breath. Try to maintain that sense of awareness of the whole
body, and let the pleasure radiate out through the body. Just learn how
to maintain that, to stick with it."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Right Resolve"
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