Try to create a sense of well-being that can come simply with being with the breath. Even though this isn’t the total cure, it’s the path toward the cure. You learn to develop a happiness less and less dependent on things outside.
"Normally, people will allow their happiness to depend on a whole lot of
conditions. And the more you think about those conditions, the more you
realize that they’re totally beyond your control: the economy, the
climate, the political situation, the continued beating of certain
hearts, the stability of the ground beneath your feet, all of which are
very uncertain. So what do you do? You learn to look inside. Try to
create a sense of well-being that can come simply with being with the
breath. Even though this isn’t the total cure, it’s the path toward the
cure. You learn to develop a happiness less and less dependent on things
outside, and more and more inward, something more under your control,
something you can manage better. And as you work on this happiness you
find that it’s not a second best. It actually is better than the kind of
happiness that was dependent on things outside. It’s much more
gratifying, more stable. It permeates much more deeply into the mind."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Fears" (Meditations1)
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