When you breathe in, where do you feel the energy move? Does it feel refreshing as you breathe in? If it doesn’t, try to change. Don’t breathe out so long maybe, or don’t breathe out so short. You may find that the breath is too heavy or too light.

"You focus on the breath, the feeling of the process of breathing. It’s not just a matter of the air coming in and out of the lungs. It’s an energy flow in the body — and it has a huge impact on how your mind feels, how you feel in the present moment.

Take some time to look at it. When you breathe in, where do you feel the energy move? Does it feel refreshing as you breathe in? If it doesn’t, try to change. Don’t breathe out so long maybe, or don’t breathe out so short. You may find that the breath is too heavy or too light.

The in-and-out breathing has a huge impact on the other energy flows in the body. So watch for a while to see what feels best and what kind of breathing is easiest to stay focused on."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Protect Your Inner Center"


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