If you don’t feel that your body is your territory, do what you can to breathe in a way that feels good. Think of the energies going through the body in a way that feels soothing.

"As long as you’re with the body you’re safe. You’re in your own territory.

If you don’t feel that your body is your territory, do what you can to breathe in a way that feels good. Think of the energies going through the body in a way that feels soothing. Then it does become your own territory.

You have a home, and it’s a home you can carry with you throughout the day.

So try to get acquainted with what the body needs right now. That will make the sense of the body, the presence of the body, that much more nourishing for the mind. It becomes something you want to carry through the day because it feels so good."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Your Own Territory"


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